Whether it’s in a bar or on a dating website, we’ve all been on the receiving end of a dubious chat up line. Although it may not be the best way to get your phone number, they certainly grab your attention (think Tom Cruise in Top Gun). We’ve rounded up a few of the worst opening lines on the dating scene.
This is the ultimate cliché because EVERYONE’s got nice eyes. It’s like those dating profile profiles that say: “I love sunny days. I’m easygoing. I enjoy ingesting food sources and converting them to energy.” Alright, admitting you like weaving baskets or dressing up as a badger on Saturday nights might be an over share, but a spark of originality wouldn’t go a miss. The same applies to chat up lines. If ‘beautiful eyes’ was on a high school exam this man would get ‘must try harder’ scrawled in the margin.
What to do: Close your eyes and keep them closed until he goes away. (OR just thinks you’re crazy…)
2. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing in here?”
Probably the exact same thing as everyone else. Enjoying a drink, having an evening meal with friends or dancing in a nightclub. It’s not as though pretty women are different species.
What to do: Say “Sorry you’re right, I’m in the wrong place. I must have confused this bar with my fairy castle.”
3. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
The man who made this up would get credit for originality, but now it’s been so overused that the cheese factor just makes it tacky. Whatever happened to “Hi my name’s Dave it’s nice to meet you?”
What to do: Say yes. Try to convince him you genuinely believe you’re an angel. Eventually he’ll get freaked out and leave you alone.
4. Staring
When a man stares at a girl across the room it gives her the impression he’s recently escaped from a high security mental institute. He might think he’s doing some sexy Patrick Swayze inspired ‘Hungry Eyes’ thing but it comes across more Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho than Dirty Dancing the musical.
What to do: Ask if he’d like a photograph.
5. I’ve lost my phone number, can I have yours?
Another graduate from the school of cheese, this guy needs to be given a wide berth. (Or be visiting a phone shop.)
What to do: Give him a fake number.
6. “You’re sort of cute, can I have your number?”
Almost worse than the exaggerated compliments,this chat up line equivalent of ordering pasta in a restaurant when you really wanted steak. Even if you went on a date, you wouldn’t believe he really liked you.
What to do: Tell him you admire his pulling efforts. Hopefully he’ll get the message.